Family office

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Family offices, tend to provide two principle categories of services: those that relate to managing wealth and those that relate to family support. Under the umbrella of wealth management we often find investment management, advanced planning and private investment banking. Simultaneously, we often see under support services that include administrative and lifestyle services. (Forbes)

In practice, each of these sub-categories is comprised of specific products (such as private equity funds or intentionally defective trusts) and services (bill paying and close protection personnel, for example) based on the needs of the underlying families. The sheer scope of possibilities and combinations mean that truly unique and thorny issues can be addressed in wholly customized new types of family offices without deviating from the basic operating structure. At the same time, new types of family office structures are emerging that are geared to the needs of niches within the ranks of the financial elite. (Forbes)

Wij adviseren onze klanten over hun vermogen met aandacht voor fiscaliteit, administratie en het beheer. Hiervoor werken wij samen met gespecialiseerde juristen en experten zonder de nodige functiescheiding uit het oog te verliezen. Investeringsopportuniteiten gaan wij niet aanbrengen maar wij garanderen een kritische kijk op voorgestelde investeringen

Beheer van uw roerend en onroerend patrimonium

Begeleiding van de erfopvolging

Volledige administratie

Beheer van uw betalingen,  financiële rekeningen en kredieten


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